As we close July and commemorate my son’s birthday month, I wanted to share how I feel about my son, Trey, who turned 13. He is truly a gift. I have watched him come a very long way. This is why I thought it would be nice to write an open letter to him on my blog, explaining how proud I am of him and what it means to be his mother. Here is what I want him to know:
Dear Trey,
You are now a young man and no longer my baby (let’s stop playing you will always be my baby😉). You were quite a handful when you were little, I will not lie. I was worried that because you had no voice that you would never have one. But you proved everyone wrong and you found your voice and began to speak at 6. Not many words, but enough for you to get by. You are not a talker; I have to respect that. You are just like your father; a man of few words. You are so very bright and I don’t think you want anyone to know it. You have to be since you have such a great sense of humor. I don’t think people take the time to get to know you for them to realize this. We have so much fun playing around and laughing at the silly things you do. You have your own language and I understand it well.
I want you to know that not once do I wish you didn’t have autism. In fact, you are freaking awesome just as you are! Being a special needs mom has given me a sense of purpose (I hope that doesn’t sound selfish). You are exactly what I wanted and needed. We as a family support you and all your wants, hopes, and dreams. You are so loved. I hope you know this. Me, your father, and younger brother love you. You are a fun big brother. Your little brother enjoys playfighting with you and even though you can’t have conversations like most folks, you connect with each other in other ways. I see you two being very close as young men. Your brother will be your defender and one of your biggest supporters.
As we now embark on adulthood, I can’t wait to see what ends up being your purpose. You have burgeoning interests but what is going to be your main passion or what you do for a living? I know it will be so awesome. You are different but your differences make you special and unique. They are going to help set you apart from the other autism and neurotypical folks. Just know whatever you decide, I will honor and support you through it.

I hope you know how much I love you and that I will always be here. You are a testament to what sheer tenacity and perseverance can do for a person. To go from someone whose words escaped them to someone who can express their wishes or desires is an amazing feat! Even if we are not at the point where we can have a conversation yet, your ability to communicate has transformed the relationship you have with the world. Being able to communicate with others is important because it allows you to express yourself and feel less bottled up or frustrated. My hope is that you continue to build on your communication so that you can expand the network of folks you want to connect with in the future.
It is only up from here. I know and believe this 100%.

Beautiful letter Kira. Trey is loved and supported by many.
Thank you so much Marah! He is!!!