September 28

Carrie, the Photographer


My upcoming book, Carrie the Photographer, is due out this fall. It is about a complex, challenging topic, anorexia nervosa. It is for ages 9-12 years old, but I hope it will move children of all ages. I had not seen many books about anorexia nervosa for children and felt that this was an important topic that needed to be addressed. In my profession, I came across children as young as 9 (girls and boys) that were suffering with this disorder and had to be admitted to inpatient eating disordered units. Surprisingly, some of them were of Hispanic origin. I never knew before this that Latinos struggled with this issue so it really opened my eyes to the epidemic in this specific population. I felt that this was a topic that needed to be addressed; who best to address that a therapist? The sensitivity of the subject needs to be carefully handled and I hope I did a good job in bringing this subject to light.

Carrie the Photographer, will be the third installment in The Heroes We Know book series. This series feature a book about a  specific mental health disorder and a character of a different race.  My first two books, Trey the Chef and Suzy the Dressmaker, talk about autism and anxiety respectively. I created this series to inspire children with mental health challenges to envision a better future for themselves. I want to provide education and awareness to children who don’t have those challenges so that they can be more empathetic human beings and show more compassion to others. I hope that my customers will continue to support me as I move through this initiative that I have taken on. I pray that more books will be created to offer children this type of hope and encouragement.

Thank you to my customers and readers for all your support thus far. As I have previously stated, it is not easy being a new small business owner and all I hope to achieve is to inspire one individual who feels heavy and weighed down by the world to feel a little lighter and brighter. I didn’t get into this for the money (because trust me, I’m not making much), I got into this to inspire and uplift kids and adults to feel like they are bigger than their problems and to fight to persevere and overcome their challenges. If all I achieve is that, I am much fulfilled.

Don’t forget to like and subscribe to my website so you can receive updates on new posts to my blog. I hope you enjoy and get something out of what you read on here. I truly enjoy writing for you and look forward to you coming back soon!


bulimia in children, bulimic children, Carolina House Eating Disorder Clinic, children's books on anorexia, children's books on eating disorder, eating disordered children, eating disordered clinic, eating disordered treatment, Eating disorders in blacks, eating disorders in children, Eating disorders in Latinos, eating disorders in minorities, NC, UNC eating disordered clinic, Veritas Collaborative's Child & Adolescent Hospital in Durham, Veritas hospital

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