People always say to me “I don’t know how you do it all.” Well, let me tell you, sometimes I don’t know either, lol. One thing, I do know is that I do everything in my power not to feel overwhelmed. And that is what you call self-care. I can be rigid at times with my schedule because I believe it is important to preserve my time and energy. I used to be very stern about letting people know my boundaries but with age and practice, I have become gentler with setting boundaries with others. Integrity is very important to me and that I do what I say I am going to do.
So, I thought I might share ways to balance your plate when it starts to become full so that others also don’t experience feelings of being overwhelmed.
Well, I hope you got something out of reading this. I can’t stress enough the importance of being kind to yourself, taking some time for yourself, and pacing yourself. Everything that needs to be done will get done in its own due time. Sometimes, I surprise myself on how much I do accomplish when I just slow down. A friend’s words always come to mind when I think about what I need to get done. “Slow and steady” she would always say when it came to going through her day. Taking it slow and being persistent will get you much farther than rushed and stressed. I promise!
Love and light,