November 14

Interview with Patrice Graham- A Yoga Activist

“In order to call yourself a healer, your energy gotta be right.” ~ Kira Parris-Moore

Patrice is a person with good energy. I was attracted to her energy when I met her many years ago through a mutual friend. She is someone that attracts people from all walks of life and spreads joy wherever she goes. It’s no surprise that she took her good juju and made it into her calling.

She is a woman on a Self-Love Mission.

As a result of her personal experience as a black woman trying to find her footing in corporate America, she became a race- based trauma healer. She works with black women to help them manage the buckling pressure they experience in traditional workforce. She later left her corporate job and dedicated herself full-time to her yoga practice to allow black women to have a safe space to share their experiences freely without judgement and use yoga as a way to cope with toxic stress. She has expanded her current practice, Araminta Wellness by offering virtual classes, retreats, wellness products, and other services. I am honored that she was willing to share her story for others looking to receive these services and start their own path to healing.

Tell us what led you to this line of work?

The short answer is my own wellness journey. I saw the benefits that a consistent yoga practice created in my life and wanted to share this gift with others.

How has helping others impacted your own personal journey?

Phew, this is THE question of the moment. It has both enhanced and detracted from my own wellness journey. Helping others leads to helping myself AND highlights parts of my wellness journey that need to be addressed.

As a recovering people pleaser, it is important for me to learn to set boundaries and to not neglect my own self-care practices while attempting to support others.

On the other hand, seeing other people benefit from these practices encourages me to continue on this journey and to continue sharing this beautiful practice.

What do you think helping professionals should keep in mind when working with black women?

That race-based trauma is real and therefore most (if not all) Black women are working through trauma. I also think it’s very important to be culturally aware and to create spaces where Black women feel welcome as they are.

How can yoga be a part of mental health care?

I personally think yoga is an essential part of mental health care. I think of it as the “gateway drug” for exploring both mental and physical wellness.

It is my belief that a lot of folx are walking around with big feelings, trauma, chronic pain, etc. but are too busy, hurt, disconnected, or overwhelmed to sit with and feel the discomfort. I believe that yoga practices offer a safe space to begin to connect with your body, mind and spirit and inquire about what is true in this moment.

For example, when you take time to sit and breathe deeply you may notice that your heartbeat slows down and you feel calmer and more relaxed. Without the contrast of taking the time to sit in stillness you may not notice your racing heartbeat (which can be a sign of discomfort such as anxiety) that you didn’t feel calm before.

What do you see yourself doing in five years?

Chile, I have no idea. I used to have big plans, now in my hippie phase I don’t have time-sensitive goals. My overall goal in life right now is to embrace more joy, peace, liberation, luxury, and wellness.

What advice can you offer new business owners who are just starting on their entrepreneurial journey?

Just start, follow your calling, and see what happens. The entrepreneurial journey is not always rainbows and butterflies and smooth sailing but betting on yourself is so empowering. No matter how many people are offering what you want to offer, none of them are you and that’s your power.

I also think it’s very important to have other entrepreneurial-minded folx around you because this journey can get lonely and people that don’t understand won’t understand and may discourage you from following your dreams. People that get it can be a great support when you forget your why and your power.

Where will you be popping up at next?

Lol, I have no idea, this is the question I’m asked most often. I’m in a space of transition and I’m not rushing the process. I am led by the callings of my spirit and at this moment I don’t feel a sense of urgency to create/do anything. But I do want to begin offering more consistent in-person community offerings soon.

Where can people find you online if they want to contact you for services?

Instagram: @aramintawellness @patricecgraham

Website: and

Email: and


Araminta Wellness, black female yoga teachers in NC, black female yoga teachers in Raleigh, black yoga instructors in Durham, black yoga instructors in Raleigh, Patrice C. Graham, Patrice Graham, race based trauma yoga in Durham, race based trauma yoga in Raleigh, trauma informed yoga, trauma informed yoga for black people, trauma informed yoga in Durham, trauma informed yoga in Raleigh, trauma informed yoga teachers in Durham, trauma informed yoga teachers in Raleigh

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