March 15



I have wanted to blog about this topic for weeks but guess what?  I was practicing some self-care and allowing more time for rest at night. Blogging is something I enjoy doing but there is some work entailed in it and I wanted to use my nights to just rest and not do anything rather than doing what I considered to be work. So, I took a break from blogging for the last 3 weeks and allowed myself time to rest and recalibrate. But in doing so, I learned how important self-care is and I wanted to talk more about this…

Our capitalistic society discourages against self-care.

Sometimes we get so busy and we think it’s ‘normal’ to not have time for ourselves. In our society, it is applauded that you are busy whether it is your busy with a career, being a parent, or have an active social life. However, it is not “cute” to be over-extended because of what happens when you are. You become depressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. I get it, it’s hard not to be productive when there is so much to do! But it will get done and even if all does not get done, it’s ok too…You won’t die. You will figure it out. Having faith in yourself will allow you to achieve your goals even if it’s not exactly on the short timeframe you have given yourself. But you can’t enjoy your success if you are too burned out to relish in it. You can’t enjoy your success if your physical health is failing because you are overextended. So, pace yourself and you will get there AND you will be able to enjoy every bit of it!

Self-care is one of the hallmarks of personal development.

Self-care is being talked about more and more in everyday life. I have seen a lot of discussion about it in social media which I am so happy to see. Self-care can be anything such as taking a warm bath at night, drinking a cup of hot tea or milk before bed, meditation, walks etc…etc. There are even new ways for self-care such as nature bathing and sound bathing. I think all of it is great no matter what it is because the essence of it is spending time with yourself. This can be a scary concept for some. The pandemic gave us no choice but to face ourselves because we didn’t have the distractions of being around others. We were confronted with the ugly side of ourselves that we had been hiding from for years. So now we have to work all this shit out that we buried and it’s scary and uncomfortable and so self-care is essential for us to allow ourselves some grace while we work on ourselves. I talk to my clients in counseling about the importance of self-care ALL THE TIME, but it is also important that I model this for them and practice what I preach! I can’t be a hypocrite about something that is so crucial and important for us to be able to become our best selves.

How are you practicing self-care?

How are you showing up for yourself every day? Yes, I’m talking to YOU. Self-care doesn’t have to be long. It can be a few minutes a day where you just dedicate some time to yourselves. I have even heard parents say that before they walk in the house, they sit in the car for a few minutes and have alone time that way. It doesn’t have to be a big display for it to be self-care. It can be something as simple as that. I always feel great after practicing self-care even if initially it’s something I have to fight with myself to do. Do I not have a lot of things I could be doing while practicing self-care…Yes, of course! But did my mind and body thank me after I practiced self- care? YES, One thousand percent! I have no regrets, not one. I encourage you to take some time for yourself every day, think small, and be consistent about it. You will thank yourself too in the end!

By the way, Happy Women’s History Month to all you bomb ass women out there doing your thing! I see you.



black girls meditate, black girls run, nature bathing, racial trauma in the workplace, self-care for black women, self-care for caregivers, self-care for minorities, self-care for parents, self-care for parents of children with disabilities, self-care for parents of young children, self-care for parents with autistic children, self-care for people of color, self-care for single black mothers, self-care for single dads, self-care for single mothers, self-care for single parents of autistic children, self-care for women, self-care for women of color, self-harming behaviors in children, self-harming behaviors in women, sound bathing, support groups for single black mothers, support groups for single dads, support groups for single parents, women's history month

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