March 23

Virtual book reading by Storyteller Kay of Suzy, the Dressmaker – Posted on 3/23/2020


Hello and Happy Monday!!! Recently, I have seen an increase in virtual book readings due to the Coronavirus. I wanted to offer an author reading as well but it is quite difficult with my kids being home from school. Pre-Corona, I sent my book to a young lady I met through Instagram that did book readings. It just happened to be this past Sunday (in the midst of Corona) that she chose to read my book. I could not have asked for better timing. I mean, my book comes at a time when a lot of people are uncertain and anxious about what is to come with Corona. Will this virus ever end? Will they find a cure or vaccine for it? How long will it continue to devastate our communities? Will school be closed for the remainder of the school year? Will I lose my job due to not being able to work? These are VERY scary times and it shows us how much we are not in control of what happens to us. The only thing we can control is what we do about it.

Storyteller_Kay, is the name of the young lady who ventured into the unknown and read a book about mental health. She did an amazing job navigating what can be an uncomfortable topic for some. She also was very animated and her voice works well to keep the interest of young children. She even did her own version of the positive imagery activity. I loved it! To view her book reading go here.

I do plan to do an author reading but will save it for my birthday, which comes in a little over a week. I want to provide my readers with the full scope of what can be done with the book and how you can use it to overcome these difficult times. I will make an announcement on my social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). Please make sure to look out for this announcement in the near future. Also, please stay safe and stay HOME during these difficult times to ensure that you don’t bring this awful virus home to you and your loved ones. I am sure we all want this time of quarantine to move a little faster and this can’t happen if we keep going out and having contact with others who may or may not have the virus. If you crave the outdoors, consider alternatives such as bike riding or a nature walk. Let’s be part of the solution not the problem!

Love and light,



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