August 24

Why We Stay Home authors Samantha Harris and Devon Scott


At the height of the Coronavirus, a Coronavirus ebook, Why We Stay Home, emerged that went viral. Partly because the book was very good and partly because it was written by two medical students. These medical students gave a book that was packed with information in simple enough terms for young children to understand the complexities of the coronavirus. It was conversation had between two sisters with one answering the other’s questions about the coronavirus and helping her younger sister to understand why things have changed in this world. It was refreshing to have a book by upcoming doctors that was not laced with medical terminology but written in laymen terms. It is a book you can refer to when your children have questions and you want to give them the right answers. As a writer myself, I found this book to be spot on. This prompted me to reach out to these two authors and ask that they give some more background behind the reasons for them writing this book and inquire about their views as it relates to other health issues.

1.) You two are not writers by trade, what inspired you to write this Millie and Suzie book about the coronavirus?
As medical students we realized that we were confused by the overwhelming amount of constantly changing information available about Coronavirus. We wanted to provide a resource that would be able to help patents talk to their little ones about the virus and spark conversation in a non-threatening way.

2.) You have created a whole Millie and Suzie book series about different types of doctors and the human body, what is your goal behind this book series?
Our ultimate goal is to be a role model for the next generation. We not only want to teach all about the human body but also about the endless possibilities in the field of medicine and show them that if we can do it, they can do it too.

3.) When it comes to their health and their bodies, what do you think are the most important things for children to understand?
With our first book, one of the most important messages we wanted to get across is about the signs and symptoms of someone with coronavirus, those at greatest risk of getting infected, and ways to protect themselves such as washing their hands.

4.) There is a big push for integrated care now. What is your perspective on mental health and the part it plays in children’s overall well-being?
It is very important for parents to be open and honest with their little ones and to have discussions with them in order to understand how they feel. This is why one of the goals for our series is for it to be a conversation starter.

5.) Once you become doctors, how do you hope to contribute to the medical field?
As previously mentioned, we both are very passionate about educating and training the next generation. When we become doctors we plan on continuing our series and continuing to mentor the next generation.

6.) Where can we find you on social media?
Free downloads of our e-books can be found on our website, Links where hard copies of our book can be purchased can also be found on our website. You can also follow us on Instagram @millieandsuzie and like us on Facebook @Learning with Millie and Suzie.

Please don’t forget to subscribe, subscribe, subscribe! I can’t say this enough. Also, in my upcoming interview, I will be sitting down with Gordon C. James, renowned illustrator of many books such as I Am Every Good Thing, Crown, among many other incredible books. Make sure to lookout for that interview. It will be coming next month.


Coronavirus books, coronavirus ebooks, Devon Scott, free coronavirus ebooks, free digital downloads, Millie and Suzie books, Samantha Harris, Why We Stay Home

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